Comedian Helen Paul Feels small when she goes Out with Her Lawyer Husband
Comedian Helen Paul Feels small when she goes Out with Her Lawyer Husband

Comedian Helen Paul Feels small when she goes Out with Her Lawyer Husband

Comedian Helen Paul Feels small when she goes Out with Her Lawyer Husband

Renowned comedian Helen Paul recently shared her candid journey through battles with self-esteem, particularly in relation to her career, during a guest appearance on The Honest Bunch Podcast.

The comedian disclosed that her struggle with feeling diminutive was exacerbated by comparisons with her husband’s successful career.

Helen recounted a particular incident when she introduced her husband, Femi, to her workplace, and people questioned his choice of a comedian spouse over someone in a more conventional profession like law.

My boss called my husband and said, ‘Femi, is it that kind of Helen you want to date? You are more than that. But if you want to just enjoy yourself with her, it’s okay oh! Helen shared.

In another instance at her former workplace, the HR manager expressed skepticism about the compatibility of Femi’s clean and lawyerly image with Helen.

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I took Femi to my office then in TVC, my HR manager looked at Femi and said, Look at how clean you are, a lawyer. Why the choice of Helen? she revealed.

These experiences left a lasting impact on Helen, leading her to avoid attending the same church as her husband when they were newly married.

The comedian felt an overwhelming sense of inadequacy, believing she could never match up to her husband’s career achievements.

To cope, she chose to sidestep introductions when they were together, fearing the inevitable contrast between Femi’s impressive professional status and her identity as a comedian.

Reflecting on her journey, Helen confessed that her struggle with her inferiority complex began long before they tied the knot.

Even on their wedding day, she conveyed to Femi that maintaining their marriage would be a challenge, expressing doubt about its longevity beyond two years, attributing any success beyond that timeframe strictly to divine intervention.

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